How much does the average American eat in a year? In this assignment, you’ll interpret federal government data on food availability and create a pictogram to show how Americans’ food consumption has changed over time.
Midterm Comparison Project
In this midterm project, you’ll compare and assess examples of professional information graphics based on a theme, then present your findings to the class.
Athletics Expenses in Tableau
In this assignment, you’ll get more practice in Tableau by creating two different charts using data about WSU Athletics expenses from 2018-19, specifically the game-day expenses for each varsity team.
Making Dashboards in Tableau
Building on the previous assignment in Tableau, you will now learn how to combine those charts into a single “dashboard” to explain the story with multiple visuals.
Visualizing Data in Tableau
In this assignment, you’ll visualize the data you organized about WSU tuition using Tableau Public, a free software program popular in newsrooms, business and academia.
Good and Bad: Pet Ownership
In this assignment, we’ll be using data about pet ownership in the U.S. to create charts that demonstrate both good design practices and “chartjunk.”
Organizing Tuition Data
How much has tuition increased at WSU over the years? In this assignment, you’ll be organizing data to show how tuition at WSU has changed since 1970.
Answering Questions with Pivot Tables
In this assignment, you’ll get more practice working with pivot tables and Google Sheets to combine skills from previous assignments. This time we’re looking at where WSU students are from.
Working with Pivot Tables
In this assignment, you’ll use pivot tables to find trends and summarize information from large spreadsheets of raw data.
Charting WSU Demographics
In this assignment, you’ll organize data from WSU about student demographics using spreadsheets and then create charts using Google Sheets. Part 1: Working with WSU Data 1. The Office of Insitutional Research, or IR, is a department at WSU that publishes data about WSU. Go to the IR website and download the file called Enrollment… Read more »