Advice Flowchart

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Flowcharts and network diagrams are particularly good at showing processes and relationships. In this assignment, you’ll create a flowchart that offers advice for different scenarios.

Lesson: Principles of Interactivity

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We’ve been experiencing interactive graphics all semester, and now we’re focusing on the element of interactivity — how it can be used, what users expect, and why interactivity isn’t always a good idea.

Lesson: Interactive Connections

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How do professionals approach building interactive projects with large datasets? We’re expanding on the basic principles of interactivity by learning about the design process of Nadieh Bremer and reading about the debate over whether interactivity is worth the effort for both designers and users.

Youth Sports Infographics

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In this assignment, you’ll make promotional infographics suitable for sharing on social media. You’ll choose a communication message and use Adobe Illustrator for Part 1, then experiment with several interactive web tools for Part 2.

Lesson: The Case for Dot Plots

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We’ve discussed dot plots, but they’re generally underutilized compared to bars, lines and pies. So it’s time to take a closer look at dots and why they can be useful for large datasets.

Choropleth Maps in Tableau

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In this assignment, you’ll map liquor licenses for the entire state. Instead of using point data to represent the location of every establishment licensed to sell alcohol, we’ll aggregate the data by county and create a choropleth map.