Being Neighborly

Photos and Writing by Taylor Martinez

I grew up in a small town called Bend, Oregon. I was lucky to grow up in a wonderful neighborhood on a beautiful golf course surrounded by people who feel like family. Growing up my parents traveled a lot for work and so my neighbors became more and more like family throughout the years. Many of them where already retired when we moved to town more than 15 years ago and have remained our neighbors ever since. We live in Seattle now but try to visit Bend as often as possible. Because of this, we rely a lot on our neighbors to help take care of the property while we are away.

The on-premise media is designed to target consumers during key times of the year. It is important four Louis M. Martini to align with the most popular tourism dates which is fall between May and September. In addition, including magazine advertisements during the holiday is key to driving sales. The off-premise media is designed to target the business aspect of our campaign. The restaurant trade magazines are positioned strategically to align with common magazine issues and around the trade shows identified to most effectively reach our target demographic. The full media plan outlines both on-premise and off-premise media in order to get a more full picture of the campaign.

Getting ready to make homemade (Toll House) cookies for some of our closest neighbors

Mixing it all together

Just keep baking, just keep baking

Mixing in the key ingredient.

Making a batch to test out before our delivery begins

Of course we made a test batch to make sure we are delivering only the highest quality cookies

Heading out the door into the snow storm to say thank you to those who deserve it

Hitting the road to make some special stops! Thankgoodness my dad and brother spent the day snow blowing all our close neighbors driveways

We have arrived at our first stop of the Holiday season

The two who do it all, giving pack to those who give to us

My brother carying some extra special treats (more frozen cookie dough) so they have enough to last all season

We are heading in, little do they know we are coming by to drop off sweet treats to say thank you for taking care of our home while we are away

Mel and Lori, they have lived down the street from us for 15 years. They watch over our house while we are away and every holiday we deliver special home made cookies to say thank you for all they do for us