Handling Pullman's Trash

Roland Huie | Visual Communication Photojournalism Essay

Pullman Disposal Service (PDS) collects and transports Pullman’s waste to be processed. PDS handles trash, recyclables, e-waste, medical waste and document shredding. Most citizens do not know what happens to their trash and unconsciously dispose unwanted items. This collection of images visually explains how trash is collected and how trash is packaged and transported out of Pullman to regional landfills daily.

Trash production will always be an issue and citizens need to be aware of what is and isn’t being thrown away, said Sean DeWald, PDS disposal professional. Many items in the trash can be recycled and reused or donated.

A back-up camera helped commercial drivers and waste management professionals navigate the disposal trucks.

Sean DeWald, Pullman Disposal Service waste management professional, threw trashbags into the dispoal truck on Wednesday morning, Nov. 20.

Sean DeWald, Pullman Disposal Service waste management professional, latched a waste container into the dispoal truck on Wednesday morning, Nov. 20.

A Pullman Disposal Service waste container is emptied into a PDS truck.

An e-waste container warns people not to scavenge.

Old calculators sat wet in the e-waste container.

Wet e-waste sat wrapped in plastic for processing.

Taylor Jackson, Pullman Disposal Service waste management professional, worked equipment and lifted waste containers into the waste truck on Wednesday morning, Nov. 20.

Stacks of gray disposal bins sit outside of Pullman Disposal Service's office.

Stacks of crimson disposal bins sit outside of Pullman Disposal Service's office.