Fry Kappa Theta

Photos and Writing by Raul Abundiz

I chose to do my assignment on Fry Kappa Theta, this is an annual philanthropy put together by my fraternity Phi Kappa Theta. This event takes place to support and raise money for the Movember foundation. The Movember foundation is a non-profit that aims to reduce the amount of young men prematurely dying each year due to testicular cancer, prostate cancer and suicide.

For our philanthropy we sell tickets to a fun and social event. Hamburger and fries are provided, we also set up a number of games and activities. People from the community come and socialize with each other to support a good cause. We also have a raffle and sell T-shirts to the public in which the proceeds go directly to the foundation. When shooting I wanted to capture a bit of everything that was happening.

If you would like to learn more about Movember visit the site below.

This shows some active members of Phi Kappa Theta posing with people of came to support the philanthropy

This image shows our chefs cooking up the world class Phi kapp burgers.

This image shows a few brothers preparing the burgers for people who purchased tickets.

This is brother Brandan Henegen he was in charge of creating tickets that we can sell to the public

This image is highlighting the brothers who raised the most money. Brother Jacob Briggs and Garret Glen

Brother bergau is enjoying his burger and sporting the Phi kapps jersey, we also raffled 3 of the jerseys.

Brother Marquard is seen here with his girlfriend they are playing corn row and both sporting the Fry kappa Theta shirts which we sold for $15 and all proceeds went to the Movember foundation.

A few people who contributed to Fry Kappa Theta enjoying their burgers

This image shows where the event took place

I decided to make a video for the event as well, hopefully you enjoy. We raised a total of $2500 dollars after expenses and all proceeds went directly to the Movember foundation.