Resident Advisors - Look for the Helpers

Photos and Writing by Paige Stinson

The idea behind my photo essay was to highlight a position that is often not recognized the way it deserves to be -- Resident Advisor. The majority of current students have lived in a dorm here at Washington State University as freshmen. Being a freshman is often a very stressful and confusing time period for students, especially because it is usually the first time students are living on their own and are away from their support systems. Learning to live on your own while trying to manage the new experience of being at college is overwhelming and it is a weight lifted off freshmen shoulders to have a resident advisor available 24/7 to help.

Resident Advisors don’t have the most glamorous jobs, but if it weren’t for them always being available to help freshmen in the dorms there would be a lot of students, including myself, that would have struggled with the transition into living on their own. It is so important that students at Washington State University get a strong start to their college career and Resident Advisors are a major part of helping students do just that. I hope this series of photos can remind all viewers to be appreciative of the role resident advisors play in the lives of many students on our campus.

Resident Advisors name on display in the lobby of Streit/Perham.

RAs focus on turning their desk space into a "homey" and approachable environment for freshmen residents.

RAs help sort mail for residents as well.

The RA desk is in the lobby of most dorms, where it is the most available.

Student residents made this poster for the RAs to thank them for all the help.

Resident Advisors are available to students 24/7..

The mailroom that RAs sort for residents.

Some of the services Resident Advisors provide for students.

This RA, who preffered remaining annonymous, says, "being able to provide support for freshmen makes me feel good. It often results in an extra friend, too.".

This RA is currently in the process of helping a resident track down a package.