Turkey Trot for a Cause

Matt Brady - Com 320

Insert paragraph on event description here.

A mom, who encouraged her whole family to participate, snaps a shot of her children before the trot.

Families, friends and neighbours begin to show up for the event.

A couple of event organizers walk together and discuss any last-minute details.

Before you know it, the runners take off to begin their Turkey Day "trot!"

A mom lingers behind the pack to help her kids secure their bike helmets and make sure they're safe and warm before they run off.

On a day dedicated to giving thanks, one group takes extra time to admire and appreciate natural beauty.

Power-walking for a cause. When asked why they chose to participate, one member of this group said it was a great way to get the community together, get active, and give back.

Instead of running the route, a few friends chose to enjoy the stroll in nature.

The supplies that one family brought as their contribution to donate to the food bank.

All the attendees crowd together for one final picture to celebrate their accomplishment and the spirit of giving.