Fluid Fashion Show

Photos and Writing by Marissa Conklin

On November 12th, a drag show was held at the CUB Senior Ballroom. The show was called "United We Are Stronger" and promoted gender fluidity in fashion. Professional drag queens performed along with a fashion show demonstrated by WSU students. The Gender Identity/Expression and Sexual Orientation Resource Center (GIESORC) at WSU hosted the event. They are currently holding a fluid fashion clothing drive for students that want to wear gender fluid clothing.

I chose to take photos of this event for my photo story because it is an example of an organization doing good to a marginalized group of people. LGBTQ+ people can look to GIESORC as the helpers in time of need. The happy audience members is another example of people having a good time and creating unity. I think the title of the show parallels the prompt of the assignment. When united, people are always stronger.

The host of the show starts the night by lip syncing the first song.

Drag queen gasps at the crowd as she performs.

Drag queen leans back in front of crowd and applause follows.

Student wears clothing made by AMDT Department to showcase fluid fashion.

Drag queen struts down catwalk wearing star bedazzled cloak.

Drag queen looks over shoulder and poses at end of catwalk.

Drag queen tilts head back while lip syncing and the crowd goes wild.

Draq queen wearing head to toe costume lip syncs to a Billie Eilish song.

Audience claps as models walk the runway.

Drag queen walks from the crowd back onto the stage.