Global Cougs

Photos and Writing by Lucy Fasano

The Global Cougs office provides the space, information, and advisors to help guide students with their studies abroad. They have advisors to help you figure out what you want to do, where you want to study, and all the information you need to be successful in another country. Within the Global Cougs office they have student peer-advisors that help by presenting Global Cougs 101, where they explain some of the common programs you can do. The student peer-advisories help you start your journey abroad and share their stories of their adventures with students curious about traveling abroad. The peer advisories answer many questions about different programs to their peers so they can be prepared for their travels. They are the first people you meet and can give you feedback and suggestions for your trip.

The Global Coug Peer advisors are leaders on campus and help kick start students journeys to study abrooad.

Meet The Global Learning Peer Advisors. See where they studied abroad and learn a little bit about them.

Peer Advisor Pera helping a student check into her advising appointment. After students go to Gloabl Cougs they can meet with advisories to create a plan for their studies abroad.

Peer Advisor Cassievleading the Global Cougs 101 information session. She shared about her experience traveling to Japan.

Students attending a Global Cougs 101 session. They learn about how to get scholarships and how to acquire a visa.

A Student looking through the different brochures of information about different programs through Global Cougs

Students listen to Cassies talk about the different program providers and the basics of this type of exchange program.

Cassie introduces herself to the students and shares a little about her experience to Japan. She told the girls that she experienced a homestay for a weekend and then lived in a dorm for the main part of her stay. She told them she was so happy she did both to get two experiences whiel abroad.

Cassies describes the different programs Global Cougs and how they vary so students can find the best experience for themselves.

Cassies explains the different programs students can use to go abroad and different requirements students need to study abroad.

The 2019-2020 Global Learning Peer Advisors board in the Global Cougs offie.