Rogers Basketball Gives Back To the Community

Photos and Writing by Kyle Stallcop

Every year, the Rogers Rams boys and girls basketball teams do their share of giving back to the community by giving to those in need, whether it be through donating food or doing simple chores around the person's house. For this project, I decided to photograph some of the players while they were helping one of these families out, as they donated food to them as well as helped set up their Christmas tree and put lights up around their house. The families that are helped are determined by the school administration, as they fill out an application as to why they need to be helped, and then each group is assigned to a certain family. I feel that my photos were a good reflection of the activities that these players participate in every year, as well as being able to show how important it is for them to be able to give back to their community.

Members of the Rogers basketball teams waiting to buy food to donate.

Members of the girls basketball team pose for a picture after buying the food to donate.

Members of the girls basketball team donate food to their assigned family.

A member of the boys basketball team hangs lights around the family's bushes.

A girls basketball member rakes leaves in the family's lawn.

Members of the basketball teams pose with the couple that they helped out.

A boys basketball player helps set up the family's Christmas tree.

A girls basketball player puts up one of the ornaments on the family's Christmas tree.

Members of the girls basketball team talk with their head coach after buying the food to donate.

Girls basketball players buy Christmas lights.