Resident Advisors Helping Out

Photos and Writing by Kevin Gonzalez

For my visual story idea, I decided to do mine on resident advisors. Why I decided to do resident advisors is that they help students coming to college, many of whom have never lived away from where they call home. Resident advisors are there to help these new students as they transition from high school to living on their own. For my process of getting photos, there were three different aspects of resident advisors that I wanted to show. First was resident advisors going on rounds throughout the building. The next aspect I wanted to show was resident advisors working the front desk of their resident hall, as each resident advisor must work two hours a week at the front desk. The final aspect of being a resident advisor I wanted to convey is the bulletin boards, they do to provide residents resources and tips for success.

A resident advisor getting a key for a resident while on duty.

A resident advisor checking the bathroom while on rounds.

A resident advisor checking the showers during rounds.

A resident advisor working at the front desk.

A resident advisor doing homework while at the front desk.

A resident advisor getting a residents package.

Supplies at the front desk.

A finding nemo bulletin board that gives out resources.

A bulletin board with success tips.

A bulletin board with emergency contact info.