Fighting Food Insecurity at WSU

Photos and Writing by John Carthum

With the final project theme of “look for the helpers” in mind, I set out to create a visual story that represents some of the great work being done by WSU this time of year. Food insecurity is always a relevant issue during the holiday season, so I was thrilled to discover the WSU Office for Access and Opportunity has its own food pantry. The food pantry is a resource for WSU students in need of food and hygiene products. I believe I was able to capture a variety of pictures that accurately showcase the services the Office of Access and Opportunity provides. I hope this project sheds some light on the thoughtful work being done by WSU to provide an optimal learning experience and quality of life for students.

A WSU Office for Access and Opportunity employee stocking the shelves in the food pantry.

Care packages made by Sigma Kappa.

The view from outside the Office for Access and Opportunity.

The Office for Access and Opportunity is located in Lighty 260.

More resources for Cougs in need.

A WSU Office for Access and Opportunity Employee stocking the shelves in the food pantry.

More non-perishable items.

These student employees allow the Office for Access and Opportunity to run effeciently.

The food pantry also provides hygiene products.

Some of the non-perishable items available in the food pantry.