Fry Kappa Theta

Photos and Writing by Jack Filkins

My story idea for this photo essay was to document a philanthropy event hosted by Phi Kappa Theta, a fraternity at Washington State University. It’s called “Fry Kappa Theta” — an annual event put on by PKT where members sell burgers and fries at their house in an effort to raise money for the Movember Foundation. The Movember Foundation is an organization dedicated to raising awareness for men’s health. I photographed people at the event socializing, cooking and serving of burgers & fries, and the donation booth where the fraternity treasurer counted the money made from the event. I hope people see this photo essay and get a sense that fraternities aren’t what they’re stereotyped to be. PKT is just one of several fraternities at WSU to put on philanthropy events and raise money for important causes.

Phi Kappa Theta has been organizing this annual philanthropy event for the past four years.

PKT members Jacob and Garrett pose for a picture in front of cutouts of the fraternity's greek letters.

The fraternity chefs lay out hambruger patties across the grill in the chapter kitchen.

Fries are served with the burgers. People attending the event could purchase a burger with fries for $5, with all proceeds going to the Movember Foundation.

PKT members Dane and Riley help serve meals to the event attendees.

Dining tables were set up on PKT's outdoor basketball court so that there'd be room to sit down and enjoy your meal.

Event attendees socialize in the dining room of the chapter house. Roughly 200 people purchased tickets for the event.

PKT member Jajuan Jackson is the Special Events Coordinator for the fraternity. He was largely responsible for organizing the event this year.

In support of the Movember Foundation and "No-shave November", several PKT members grew out their facial hair through the month of November to help raise awareness for men's health.

PKT Treasurer Drew English counts the donation money recieved at the end of the event. PKT raised nearly $2,500 from purchased tickets and donations.