Helping During The Holidays

Photos and Writing by Hayley Martinez

The family aspect of the Spring Valley Tree Farm really interested me. After speaking with the family, it became obvious to me that their farm was more than just a business. When I spoke with Annette Brusven, she became emotional while talking about how important this farm and their customers were to her. I saw through many different things on the farm, that everyone there was looking to help people be the happiest they could. From helping families cut down trees, and making sure everyone got a free cup of hot chocolate with a candy cane, this family genuinely cares for their customers. The donation-based pottery was a big component that caught my eye when I visited. Unlike most places selling trees for the holidays, they offered a way for people to help a bigger cause. This tree farm is more than just a place to buy a tree, it’s a place to immediately feel welcomed. This family is doing an amazing job with their farm, always trying to help in any way they can for the holidays.

Annette and Paul Brusven run their farm all year long with their two children Cole and Tessa. They started with only selling 13 trees and have grown every year since.

Spring Valley Tree Farm is a family owned tree farm in Troy, Idaho. Their farm has grown since they purchased 30 acres of land in 2005. They love helping families get the perfect tree every year.

Families can come to the farm to find a tree and they can cut it down themselves, or have one of the workers cut it down for them.

Inside the barn, the family offers a way to give back to the community through a donation based pottery sale.

The donations go straight to the Troy Food Bank. People can donate any amount of money and grab a piece of pottery.

The pottery is made by Larry Lass. He pays for all the supplies to make the pieces out of his own pocket.

Each piece of pottery is uniquely made and helps people in need. Paul Brusven shared his love for this project and its help for their community.

The Brusven family prepares all year for the holiday season by pruning every single tree in the summer.

Their children each have different passions on the farm. Tessa says her favorite thing is working in the gift shop that her father made.

The family is passionate about sharing their love for christmas trees with their community. Every year they see the same customers coming back, says Tessa.