Little Kitten Helpers

Photos and Writing by Emily Straling

I changed my mind on what I was going to do for this project and I am extremely passionate about animals. My dad and stepmom have cats that serve as their unofficial emotional support animals. This may not sound super helpful, but with the circumstances, these kittens have had a giant impact on my dads side of my family.

Both my dad and stepmom have bipolar disorder, each has a different type. My dad has the temper of a firecracker with a short fuse and my stepmom can have the same temperment depending on the day. These boys help keep my parentals level headed and provide the perfect amount of entertainment and cuteness to help them. They help me anytime I visit. I hope they help you, at least by giving you a smile!

This is Gus Gus.

He enjoys naps and peekaboo on my bed.

He only gets to sleep in my bed when I visit.

This is the more elusive Slinky.

He likes to prowl the stairs and wait for my dad to get home.

He won't my dad go upstairs until my dad smiles.

He helped my dad feel better as I took this picture

This one made me personally crack up and gave me a much needed smile.

Gus Gus has a routine with my dad and will get in the dryer every time it opens.

Gus Gus loves his cuddles and snuggles.