Final Project: Navagating College with a Learning Disablity

By: Emily Everett

Going into this project, I really wanted to focus on highlighting the life of a college student with learning disabilities. Being a student with Dyslexia and having friends with Dyslexia I thought that it was important to tell our story of what being a college student is like at Washington State University. This final project is a mixture of a behind-the-scenes, profile photo essay, and a day-in-the-life all in one. It is all in one because it goes through the process of resources that students with learning disabilities use to be successful, as well as learning strategies used for studying and doing homework and lastly it highlights the aspects that show how similar they are to normal students. I believe that although it was hard getting subjects who were comfortable sharing their story, but I was determined to make the project work through other photo techniques.

Access Center building where students can take tests

Phones can distract and interrupt the learning process

Taking handwritten notes increases retention/comprehension rates

Using multiple pen and pencil colors increases retention rates and erasing helps with correcting spelling errors

Going to office hours to talk with professors about accommodations that work well with your learning style/environment

Door to Access Center

Organized Planner

Quiet study area are great for productive learning

Using visual study tools helps

Using access center website for tools and help

Thank you for reading!