Giving Hope

Being homeless is a devastating experience that can lower ones self-esteem. Living on the streets can create a feeling of hopelessness, and survival becomes the main and only priority. I chose to do my project on KD Hall Foundation and Dignity For Divas service event in Seattle; which positively and effectively targeted this population. KD Hall Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides opportunities for women and girls to develop and grow both personally and professionally. Dignity for Divas is a non-profit organization that supports women as they transition from homelessness to a self-sustaining life. These non-profits teamed up together and brought food, necessities, comfort, and hope, to Seattleā€™s neighbors living unsheltered. I knew about KD Hall Foundation through an internship I did in the past. I reached out to the foundation to volunteer for this event and serve the community while capturing photos. I feel this project worked out as expected. I went into it with an open mind and created a goal for candid photos. I chose photos that would represent both aspects of the event; the ones serving and the ones being served.

Photos and Writing by Christina Maguire

KD Hall college ambassadors, Shewit and Muskaan, preparing food to serve to the homeless.

A homeless man lost in thought after receiving a care package.

Homeless people in Seattle waiting in line for food.

A homeless man deciding what he would like to be served.

Klarissa, a KD Hall college ambassador, passing out care packages filled with toiletries and essentials.

Volunteers listening to a homeless woman tell a story about her life.

Rekeik, a volunteer, serving a homeless man a piece of Ezell's Famous Chicken.

Kela, the KD Hall Foundation President, and Shewit, helping serve a homeless man.

Homeless people in Seattle chatting and eating their food.

Volunteers assisting a homeless woman as she looks at the care packages.