Helping Others Through Community

Photos and Writing by Cameron Limes

My topic is on the African American Student Union. As a person of color in Pullman, I thought that this topic would be useful for not only myself, but also, anyone else of color. I know that I have been not only uncomfortable, but I also sometimes have felt as if I am alone in the fact that I am of a mixed decent. This is almost common for me but finding this group of people has helped me become more comfortable and has helped me get over my insecurities. The people in the African American Student Union are all about helping other people of color and seeing everyone succeed. In the few minutes when I stepped in the door, multiple people welcomed me, all of who were friendly and wanted to help me in some way. .

WSU is a mostly white student population. And with the 22,000 student population, the diversity on campus is surprisingly low.

60% of the student body is White, with only 3.6% of the student body being African American .

This is the main office for the African American Student Union in the CUB.

This is one of the offices of the advisors and mentors who have thier door open to anyone who needs to talk or just would like to hang out.

The room is comfortable adn is decorated to add a sense of ease within the students who enter.

These are some of the founders and role models of the organization. These people help remind the club about what they stand for and what is important in this community.

These are some of the awards which the organization has won over the years. The white board keeps everyone up to date on the activites which the club is putting on.

This is the aftermath of one of the organizations previous get togethers, where they made gingerbread houses with everyone else on the fourth floor of the CUB.

The forth floor of the CUB provides great views of a few of the major halls on campus.

The club is constantly updating thier events and is always trying to interact with the community whenever they can.