Look For the Helpers!

For this project I decided to look inward, and focus on the helpers in my life. I have been going through a hard time lately, finishing school, dealing with emptiness during this holiday season, and finding the courage to fight for myself by reporting my sexual assault attacker, all without my mother I lost a few years ago. Losing her means she won’t be there to watch me walk across the stage to receive my diploma, she won’t be there to carry on our family holiday traditions, and she won’t be there to help me stay strong while fighting for my own justice. So lately I haven’t found a lot of reasons to smile. In the spirit of Thanksgiving I decided to look inward and reflect on those who have been there to support me through these time, and bring a smile back to my face, and this project is for them.

By Benicia Garcia

This is my brother-in-law Jason. He makes sure every tradition passed down from my mom is still celebrated and is always there to give good advice on my life problems. This is him starting to decorate the night after Thanksgiving as is tradition.

This is my roommate, and long-time friend Matthew Fletcher. Any problem I have; emotional or mechanical he is always there to help with a smile on his face.

This is Princess Tiana in Disneyland, I do not personally know this woman playing the character, but she took time to walk and talk with me and make feel special. Disney Princesses can put a smile on anyone’s face.

This is my boyfriend Kevin wearing my favorite ears at Disneyland even after refusing to wear any ever just to put a smile on my face.

This is Kevin on the teacup ride, one my mom and I hit every trip to Disneyland.

I love taking photos when he isn't looking, they always turn out so handsome and I look back and smile.

While decorating this year, I sat aside because I was very sad and missing my mom, and our cat Toby must have sensed it because before a tear could hit my blanket he curled up on my lap.

This is the santa statue we've had in our family since I was a year old, Jason makes sure to set it up first.

Proof a princess can bring a smile to anyone's face.

Put them together and what do you got? A big smile brought back to my face.