The Community Toy Store Project

Photos and Writing by Bailey Rosenberger

A friend of my family's, Kara Popp, opened a branch of Snapdoodle Toys & Games in Issaquah Highlands, Washington. There were already many businesses in this burgeoning town, but finally there's a place to provide children with toys, board games, pictures books, etc. The only problem was a lack of employees to start out with.

That's where her family and my own family come in. Kara's kids occasionally come to help, while my mom and sister came on as some of the few fully-fledged employees. Most of them don't necessarily need to work. Kara's kids volunteer for free, and my mom signed on for personal enjoyment rather than money. In the end, they all want the store to be a success, and they all want to help it build as a resource for local parents and children.

They were happy when I asked to spend a normal Saturday with them taking pictures.

From the outside, you can tell it's a pretty small store.

From the inside, you can see it's packed with a myriad of things blowing the store's size out of proportion.

Griffin Popp (Kara's son) and Maci Rosenberger (my younger sister) reacting to the fact that I'm pointing a camera at them

My sister shows a parent couple how to work a speaker their kid might like.

She goes on to show them how a Rubik's Cube-like puzzle works. Her interest must be infectious, as the mom seems invested in learning. The dad seems distracted by yet another toy.

Mackenzie and Kara Popp put a game in Christmas wrapping as a free service to a customer.

My sister wraps a product and finishes it with a bow. According to her, this is her favorite part of being here.

Connie Rosenberger, my mom, stocks the shelves with board games.

My sister talks with and helps check out a Christmas-shopping customer.

She later checks out a couple of people buying a big stuffed tiger. It was the only big stuffed tiger in the store, and it was kind of beloved by the workers. Everyone was sad to see it go. But, they were happy to help someone take it home.