Food Not Bombs of the Palouse

Photos and Writing by Bailey Quint

Food Not Bombs of the Palouse is a clear example of a helping hand in the community. The organization provides hot meals, fresh produce and other types of groceries, and free clothing to people in need in their community. I wanted to showcase all the good that the organization does that goes unnoticed.

The approach that I took when telling this story was to try and get a first hand look into what it takes to run an organization like this and how it directly affects the people it’s for. It’s a deeper look into the struggles people deal with every day and what we as a community can do for them.

Meals being served.

“Food Not Bombs,” sign on the table of donated clothes that are free to the public.

A table of free clothes, shoes, and other items that have been donated.

Volunteer preparing a plate of food.

Volunteers cutting up apples for a desert.

Photo of the finished meal.

Some of the clothes that have been donated by the public.

Atendee of "Food Not Bombs" receving his meal.

Banner made inside of the building.

The entrence of the building.