Sydney's Bakery and Wine Bar
Photos and Writing by: Lara Schick
My idea for this project was to capture the love of baking. Back home, there’s a special bakery in Mukilteo, WA that our community holds near and dear to our hearts. I thought it would be a great idea to capture the essence of the bakery as well as the love. Judy Schneider, the owner of Sydney’s Bakery, loves what she does, it is apparent in her face. The bakery also provides the community with a sense of love, baked goods, and somewhere to call home.
For the photos, I have chosen photos that reflect her love of baking as well as the bakery itself. Since Judy built this herself, I wanted her hard work to show by viewing the interior as well as the exterior. I also included photos of baked goods that are popular at Sydney’s Bakery and Wine Bar. I believe that the photos I have chosen reflect these goals I had and really show the love Judy has for baking and her business as a whole.
I want my viewers to look at my photo essay and sense the feel of the bakery. It’s in a small town so there are regular visitors every day, as seen in the photo of a note left by a customer. I hope as readers and viewers you see the love that went into creating a bakery like Sydney’s Bakery and the love Judy Schneider has for baking for her community,the place she calls home.

Judy Schneider, owner of Sydney’s Bakery and Wine Bar welcomes customers with an inviting smile to join her at her cozy bakery that she calls home.

A note left by a “grateful guest” who loves the cozy space and the presence it brings to the small Mukilteo Community.

Sydney’s Bakery and Wine Bar is named after Sydney, Autralia. A painting of the flag shines high outside a window to represent it’s heritage.

Judy’s most popular item on the menu, her sticky buns. These delicous treats leave customers coming back for more.

"You had me at Merlot" is a sign that greets customers in the choosing what type of wine they want to drink. This wine rack is something that would be found in anyone's home, making it that much more comforting.

The Royal Blue frame around the red door reflects the colors of Australia. Welcoming customers to the loving and comforting bakery.

Judy Schneider chatting with some locals on how life is going and enjoying the delicious baked goods and coffee Sydneys has to offer.

These sausage rolls are known in Australia as a tasty treat for breakfast or even lunch.

Sydeny’s Bakery and Wine Bar has a beautiful exterior. Inviting to all cusomers to sit on the deck over looking the Puget Sound or to join Judy inside for a cup of coffee or a pastry.

Judy Schneider working hard in the kitchen to prepare the baked goods for the day.

Judy Schneider actively engages in conversation with customers so they feel right at home. Her bubbly spirit is contagious, one would immediatley feel welcomed in Sydney's Bakery and Wine Bar.