Photos and Writing by Joshua Yi

To students, the fruits that we bear are the knowledge that we learn and cultivate throughout our academic years. We study hard and long to achieve that delicious fruit and to share that with the people around us. It’s the chance to show what we have learned and prove our success. This takes practice, dedication and challenging work. Every final work is different and the process changes with that medium. Exams takes memorization and hours or review, understanding the topics and concepts. Essays take careful management and construction, through collections of readings and other sources. Project takes collaboration and time management. All these various disciplines are demanding in their own way yet we still get through it. These are the fruits of our labor as students.

All students start studying in the library.

The library holds various resources and information.

And the studious enviornment helps to focus.

It is quiet.

It is bright.

We move to the classroom.

Where we present and work on our finals.

We have the chance to ask questions and collaborate with fellow classmates.

The specific finals are more interesting.

The unconventional ones without exams or essays. But the projects that we can really look at.