Labor of Love: The Life of a Resident Advisor
Photos and Writing by John Hunt
I chose the subject of “The Resident Advisor at Washington State University” because I believe that most people have a skewed idea of how much work an RA does. An RA is an integral and difficult job for students who can be called into action at any time throughout the week, making personal sacrifices in order to maintain a healthy community. This, to me, fit the perfect description of Labor of Love because it documents the ups and downs, sleepless nights, the struggle to balance a schedule, and eventually the reward of an RA life.
I felt as though this topic would be one not known by many and one that people could sympathize with, while I do have personal experience as an RA, I capture the everyday journey through the lives of others in the community as they work to ensure a safe and stable environment.
Torn posters and vandalism are regular occurances for a Resident Advisor
Future and current residents swarm the halls making sure tired RAs.
RA Megan Mason interacting with residents during a floor meeting.
Working the desk is core to an RA’s duties, making sure mail goes smoothly.
WSU Officials congratulate Residence Life on another great year.
During the residence life banquet RA’s square off to win prizes as a reward for the year.
RA Morgan Lucena rewarded for her work all semester with the MVP award.
RA Austin Anderson making sure everyone is still alive on nightly rounds.
RA Megan Mason conducts a hectic floor meeting.
RA Dorian Cejka trying to wake up after a late duty night.