Making a Television Series
This photo project is a documentation of the making of a Cable 8 television series. The name of the show is Serenity which I am assistant director for. The concept of the show is a group of journalists awaken a curse hidden deep inside a forest. As the series progresses, characters are killed off one by one by the notorious Shadowman. Family tensions and the stress of the cures builds until the last episode when the main character Marcus can no longer deal with the torture. This was a very fun series to make and I wanted to show that in my images. We produced six episodes and were only allotted two weeks to write, rehearse, schedule, produce, and edit each episode. This final episode only took one week to complete. These behind the scenes photos show just how much hard work and focus goes into making this complex horror series.
By Hayden Strong
Watch Serenity
Prepping the Shadowman's Knife for a Murder Scene

Sam Petrie, Mindy Malone, and Brandon Call are working to get the lighting just right

Actress Emma Dexter getting into character as a Ghost

All the Main Characters killed off in the Series ready to come back for one last episode

Christian Garza plays the lead role of Marcus

The concept of lost time is a major element to the Serenity storyline

Ellie Kiehn, center, plays the role of Joe, Marcus' older brother

Director Sam Petrie focusing on the perfect shot

Emma Dexter not only acted in a lead role, but also provided the makeup work. She is applying a neck wound makeup job on lead actress Mystere Ryder.

Brandon Call worked on crew as Boom Mic Operator