Caring for Kitty
Everyone knows that having a pet is much more than just putting out food and water, it's cleaning up after their messes, paying attention to their health, and, of course, providing love and companionship. Shelby Wilkins' relationship with our cat, Mary Jane, emobies this sentiment. I decided to create my photo essay on my roommate Shelby, and our cat Mary Jane. Shelby puts a lot of work into caring for Mary Jane, and I thought that this topic fell perfectly under the umbrella of the theme Labor of Love. My experience taking these photos was really fun, I love photographing animals and I find that a great approach to photographing animals is to get on their level, which is what I tried to do a lot while taking these photos.I edited the color balance, levels, and exposure in most of photos.
By Dana Jensen

Shelby tries to get her sock back from Mary Jane.

Shelby tries to keep Mary Jane still while brushing her.

Shelby refills Mary Jane's water fountain.

Shelby tries not to get scratched while playing with Mary Jane.

Shelby attempts to put Mary Jane in her harness.

Shelby trims Mary Jane's nails.

Shelby temps Mary Jane with a treat.

Shelby refills Mary Jane's litter box.

Mary Jane sniffs Shelby's hand.

Shelby holds Mary Jane.