Daniel Petek and the National Student Advertising Competition
A Labor of Love Project by Cameron Carter
Daniel Petek is an adjunct professor at Washington State University. Three days a week he is working in the advertising industry. He is based out of Spokane but goes everywhere for work. Despite all of the hustle and bustle of the advertising world and what it demands of him he still makes time the other two days of the work week to drive an hour and a half to Pullman to make sure students are getting a quality education. However, his crowing jewel is the students he recruits to join the Washington State University National Student Advertising Competition (NSAC) team that he has been heading for over thirty years.
Story idea: My story was to convey what Professor Petek has been working on every year for almost half of his life. I wanted to show how he takes young adults and helps them come into their own with some gentle nudging of guidance, like how a sculptor molds clay but in this case the clay gets a say in what they are turned into. The district competition event is the culmination of something Petek and the members have worked all year long on and it is not without lots of strain and lots of love. I wanted to show that it is not easy running this club/class/competition team and giving these students the attention they want and need.

After several mishaps with winners from other districts getting disqualified, Petek makes an announcement advising student members to use their best judgment and etiquette when using social media during and after the competition.

Petek listens in to his students talking about the upcoming presentation and what might be in store for the future.

Petek goes over the planned events for the next two days with one of the NSAC event coordinators.

Following his students into the room to sit with them and hear the guest speaker of the evening.

Shay Dingfelder (far right) tells a story while two NSAC members listen along while Petek takes a photo of the moment.

Before finding out the results of the competition, Petek eagerly awaits with his students.

Nicholas Demetriades, (right) a junior at Washington State University and member of NSAC, receives feedback on this year’s competition and how they can improve next year.

Daniel Petek talks with students Mikenzie Penna (left) and Anthony Douglas (right) about a humorous story from events past.

After lackluster catered food for everyone over the course of the event he still chuckles at the small salad provided.

Shay Dingfelder tells another story while Petek soaks in the moment, on of the last of the evening.