Forms of Self-Love
Photos and Writing by Brooke Davis
Self-love and care is one of the most simple labors of love, in my opinion. Caring for yourself beyond basic needs is an option, and an option that for various reasons people carve out time for.
I decided to ask individuals what it is they take time to do regularly to engage in self-care. I asked each of these people to be photographed as well as provide a brief explanation as to why they do what they are pictured doing. I included myself in this photo essay because I wanted to encourage participants to think about the unique ways in which they spend extra time caring for themselves.
I hope that this project will serve as inpiration to viewers to reflect on your own daily routine and think about the ways you spend extra time on yourself. I also hope that viewers might be encouraged to take up some of the unique explanations and apply them to their own routines. You never know what form of self-care you might fall in love with.