Guiding with Love

Photos and Writing by Abby Tutor

Guiding Paws of the Palouse is a volunteer organization that raises puppies and trains them to be guide dogs for the blind when they are old enough. Typically the training lasts two years, and once they reach that age they transition to a new life with an actual blind owner. On Saturday, April 7 during mom’s weekend, the organization hosted a blindfold brunch in the Chinook Student Center where all the participants ate brunch as if they were blind. All the guide puppies in training were there as well, but the event was a donation to the volunteer organization. Nicole Schultz-Kass, a blind woman with her own guide dog, Figaro or “Figgy” for short, spoke at the event about the benefits of having a guide dog. Nicole said she thinks Figaro is changing the world just like she is changing her life. Figaro is her third guide dog. I chose this topic because I think dogs are amazing and I love them. I truly believe dogs have a sense of love and compassion and actually work hard to help their owners and they know they’re doing a job that is worth while.

This is Fairview intently listening to any commands his owner may give him. He turned 1 year old on April 17. He is a male golden retriever and arrived at Guiding Paws of the Palouse in November 2017.

Fairview is sporting his guide dog jacket that says he's in training. All of the puppies in training wear this jacket from the Guide Dogs of the Palouse organization.

Fairview just turned one year old.

This is Apricot, another puppy in training. She has a calm demeanor and is very receptive to any commands.

Apricot is a golden lab.

This is Galahad, a black lab puppy.

Two of the Guide Dogs of the Palouse trainers hold their puppies in training before the Nicole Schultz-Kass speaks.

Schultz-Kass and her guide dog, Figaro share a moment. She says that he makes her laugh all the time.

Figaro is a 2-year-old black lab puppy, but has graduated from his training program to be with Nicole.

This is Reenie, a black lab puppy in training. She is actually looking up for a treat that her owner is teasing her with.